Tag Archives | Israel


Pseudo-Omniscience Versus Freedom

American Institute for Economic Research, August 5, 2021 Pseudo-Omniscience Versus Freedom James Bovard Shut up and submit” is now the favorite Covid cure of some of America’s leading progressives. Paul Krugman, a Nobel Prize winner and New York Times columnist, revealed on Tuesday that since freedom is a mirage, people have no good reason not […]

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35th Anniversary of Biggest Pre-9/11 U.S. Antiterrorism Debacle

This week is the 35th anniversary of one of the biggest antiterrorism disasters in American history.  President Reagan sent U.S. troops to Beirut in the chaotic aftermath of the 1982 Israeli invasion. 243 Marines were killed on October 23, 1983 when a lone terrorist drove a truck bomb past the poorly-guarded perimeter and detonated his […]

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