Foreign Aid/World Bank articles
James Bovard Articles etc.
USA TODAY: Oreos Expose Trump's Trade Folly
USA TODAY: TSA's Gitmo-Style Groin Gropes
TSA Portland Surveillance Videos of Me
USA TODAY: Obama Victims Deserve Empty Seats
USA TODAY: Budget Bill Leaves No Boondoggle Behind
Wash. Times: Obama Fearmongering & Freedom
USA TODAY: Beware Another Census Roundup
Wash. Times: TSA Bombs the Holidays
USA TODAY: End Federal Agents' License to Kill
USA TODAY: Congress's Freedom Foyer Farce
Barron's: Supreme Court vs. Liberty & Constitution
USA Today: Washington's Latest Hunger Charade
USA Today Board of Contributors
USA TODAY: Abolish the Sugar Program
USA TODAY: Disability Act's 25 Years of Legal Chaos
Wall Street Journal: Washington's Silent Shakespeare Oxymoron
USA TODAY: End the Coverup on 9/11 Attack
Tom Woods Podcast: Public Policy Hooligan
USA TODAY: TSA Has No Excuse to Continue Groping
Wash. Times: FDA's War on Cheap Cigars
Mises Inst.: The Washington Intellecutal Gravy Train
USA TODAY: "Hurricane HUD" & the Baltimore Riots
NPR Debate on Federal Job Training Follies
USA Today: Boy Scouts Should Hang Tough
Counterpunch: Will Vagina Voters Devour Democracy?
USA TODAY: A D.C. Devil's Dictionary
USA TODAY: Scott Walker, Stadium Socialist
My Ribald Speech to the Cogswell Society
Washington Times: The Mandatory Voting Panacea
Washington Times: ObamaCare and Supreme Hypocrisy
Barron's: FDA/Nanny State Hates Cigars
USA TODAY: Eric Holder's Lawless Legacy
Washington Times: Redneck Ethnic Cleansing Recalled
Counterpunch: Americans' Fatal Freedom Apathy
Washington Times: No Halo for Holder on Forfeiture
USA TODAY: Know Nothing Democracy - Cromnibus Edition
Washington Times: Gruber & Shenanigans of Leviathan
Washington Times: ObamaCare Deception of "Stupid" Americans
Washington Times: Fighting Extremism with Extremism
Counterpunch: The Civil War & Forgotten Atrocities
USA Today: AmeriCorps at 20 is a Wasteful Flop
Fox Business News Interview on Food Insecurity Charade
the Feds Distort Their "Food Insecurity" Numbers
USA Today: Eric Holder's Dreadful Record on Police Shootings
*TSA Chief John Pistole Denounces My Work
Washington Times: TSA Must End Its Lies, Crimes, & Extortion
Ecologist (U.K.): Obama's Aid Ravages Third World Farmers
Washington Times: Bill Clinton's Body Snatching Legacy in Kosovo
1864 Torching of the Shenandoah Valley
Washington Times: Americans' Fading Love of Freedom
USA Today: An FDA War on Cheap Cigars?
Washington Times: Obama's Democracy Flim-Flam
Approve the Great Raisin Robbery
Washington Times: Obama's Toxic Secrecy-Censorship Combo
Washington Times: Obama's Betrayal of Brown vs. Board of Education
Washington Times: Obama's Cynicism Racketeering
USA Today: Obama's Racial Profiling in the Classroom
Washington Times: Obama's War on Govt. Watchdogs
Washington Times: "Truth Will Prevail" - Costliest Political Fairy Tale
Washington Times: Cluster Bomb Congress
NH Liberty Forum Speech Video - Libertarian Hooliganism
NH Liberty Forum Video: Obama's Constitutional Terror
Barron's: Reform Food Stamps for Good Health
Washington Times: Obama and the Obesity Epidemic
Washington Times: Why Everyone Scorns the TSA
USA Today: Don't Trust White House on Syria Claims
USA Today: Drug Lessons from a Convict Road Gang
- the Folly of Feel-Good Government
Washington Times: The Voting Rights Mirage
Wall Street Journal: A Brief History of IRS Political Targeting
Washington Times: End the USDA Dictatorship
Wall Street Journal: How "Food for Peace" Hurts Foreign Farmers
Washington Times: The Postal Sevice/Lance Armstrong Double Standard
Washington Times: The 'You are the Government' Canard
USA Today: Time to End USDA's Crazy Raisin Regime
Wall Street Journal: USDA's Bizarre Billion Dollar "Discrimination" Payout
Washington Times: Busing Tyranny by Boston's Best & Brighest
Wall Street Journal: Newest Federal Crime - Not Hiring Ex-Convicts
Washington Times: EEOC's Vendetta Against Freedom and Common Sense
Washington Times: Let's Start by Controlling Police Violence Against Americans
Wall Street Journal: "Dairy Cliff" Proves Need to Abolish Farm Programs
American Conservative: Rand Paul - a Work in Progress?
USA Today: Why Expand School Free Food Programs?
Barrons: Potomac River Blindness - Why Govt. Waste is Invisible in DC
American Conservative: FBI: A Stasi for America
Washington Times: Obama's New Disability Hiring Quota
Wall Street Journal: Don't Trust Feds with "Happiness Index"
Wall Street Journal: The Wrong Way to Help the Disabled
Los Angeles Times: Ludicrous Constitutional Linchpin of Obama
FFF: The EEOC'S Forgotten Racial Racketeering
Wall Street Journal: Confessions of a One-Season Santa Claus
Los Angeles Times: The Postal Monopoly and the Great Mail Slowdown
Counterpunch: Dying to Corrupt Afghanistan
Fox News: Drunks and Foreign Aid
MSNBC interview on Federal Training Flounders
Wall Street Journal: Federal Job Training Wrecks Work Ethics
Wall Street Journal: Raising Hell in Subsidized Housing
George Mason Univ. Speech on Obama vs American Freedom
American Conservative: Leviathan's Lies
Wall Street Journal: Food Stamps for Millionaires
Forgotten Failures of the Peace Corps
Counterpunch: Idolizing Absolute Power
Wall Street Journal: My Summer Road to Perdition
Freeman: Fear-Mongering and Servitude
Barron's: Governing as Looting (Foreign Aid & Afghanistan)
Christian Science Monitor: Obama's Unlimited Right to Kill?
America's Know-Nothing Foreign Policymakers
Your Tax Dollars at Work and Play
CPAC Speech Trashing the Patriot Act
Interview on Conservative Leviathan Lovers
TV and Radio Appearances and Speeches on YouTube
The "Of Course" Curse (1983, New York Times)
Our Know-Nothing Foreign Policy
The Right to Resist Government Power (2000)
How Washington Protects Your Privacy and Liberty
Why Tea Party Members Should Despise George W. Bush
Rep. Hoekstra Receives CIA Bootlicking Award
Make Bill of Rights Day Our Anti-Politician Day
Abolish the Phony Privacy Board
De-Sacralizing Democracy to Save Liberty
How Democracy Breeds Political Idiocy
Worldwide Downfall of Democracy
Welfarization & the Capsizing of Democracy
Obama and Attention Deficit Democracy
Tea Party Movement: Pro-War, Pro-Torture, Pro-Freedom?
Bill Clinton's Lethal Hypocrisy on Government Violence
The Slippery Definition of Extremism
Christian Science Monitor: Don't Trust the Census
Russian TV interview on Danger of Dictatorship
The Material Witness Ticket to Servitude
Fox News FreedomWatch Interview on FBI Crime Wave
Frightening Voters into Submission
Bogus Anti-Terrorist Crackdown on Financial Freedom
How George W. Bush Redefined American Freedom
The Media as Enablers of Government Lies
Interview with Glenn Beck on AmeriCorps
National Endowment for Democracy's Sordid History
Eight Years of Big Lies on Afghanistan
Fox News Freedom Watch Interview with Judge Napolitano
Jamaican Radio Interview on Torture
Post 9/11 Roundup of Innocents: Ashcroft's High Crime
Barron's: Obama's Summer Jobs Program Farce
McNamara's Other Body Count Debacle
REAL ID and the Danger of Government
Celebrate International Torture Day by Prosecuting Torturers
"Expanding the IMF to Bail out Tinhorn Dictators"
"The Latest Torture Coverup Scam"
"AmeriCorps and the Peril of Mandatory National Service"
"Obama's Great Medical Records Roundup"
"How Abu Ghraib was Politically Defused"
older articles:
Wall Street Journal, New York Times articles
Los Angeles Times articles
Freedom Daily// Future of Freedom Foundation articles
Freeman articles (Foundation for Economic Education)
More recent Bovard articles & interviews:
Ripon Forum: The National Service Illusion
FFF: Warring as Lying in American History
American Conservative: Latest Twists on the Torture Scandal
Counterpunch: Are Presidents Entitled to Kill Foreigners?
FFF: The FBI's Right to Threaten Torture
Freedom Daily: Drunk Driving Checkpoints vs. Freedom
American Conservative: Will Torture Finish Off Bush?
Freeman: Deliberative Democracy Dementia
FFF: What do Citizens Owe the Government?
American Conservative: Congress Rubberstamps Martial Law
Boston Globe: "The 'Terrorist' Batting Average"
American Conservative: The Torture Ticking Time Bomb Beneath the Bush Administration
Los Angeles Times: Your Right to Torture the Truth out of Your Congressman
Editor & Publisher: The Washington Post Makes Dictatorial Powers Mundane
FFF: Government Lies vs. Self-Government
Globalist: The Torturous Servility of Washington Think Tanks
Baltimore Sun: Bush's Illegal Covert Financial Surveillance [also in the China Post, Salt Lake Tribune, Bergen Record, & other papers]
Freeman: Democracy versus Liberty
Freedom Daily: The Bush Torture Memos
FFF: The New Hungarian Uprising's Lessons for America
American Conservative: "All Your Balls Belong to Us" - my Review of John Yoo's Torture manifesto
FFF: Bush's Operation Founding Fathers Fraud
American Conservative: Conservatives' Treason on Free Speech
LRC: Israel's Forgotten Record in Lebanon, 1982+
American Conservative: Bush's Dictatorial Signing Statements
Fox News's Hannity & Colmes, June 23, 2006, debating Bush abuses
MSNBC, June 23, 2006 - debating Bush's illegal financial surveillance
American Conservative: "Reach Out & Tap Someone" (NSA wiretapping)
Video of National Press Club Talk - FFF MAY 2
The AL-JAZEERA Television Interview Transcript from London May 17
FFF: Bush's Wiretap Crimes & the FISA Farce
FFF: The Most Absurdities Per Kilo (the Chong Bong Bust)
Sunni's Salon Interview - April 2006
American Conservative: Bush's War on Democracy
Baltimore Chronicle: Bush's Bogus Theory of Boundless Power
Los Angeles Times: A Terrorist on Every Corner?
Orange County Register: Defining Freedom Down
Newsday: We're Losing in the Government Game
American Conservative: The NSA Spying Scandal
Orange County Register: Forgotten Dangers of Illegal Surveillance
American Conservative: Lawless Dick Cheney Strikes Again
Patriot Act and Attention Deficit Democracy
O Estado de São Paulo: "A ignorância está afundando a democracia" (Brazil's third largest circulation newspaper)
Editor & Publisher: Fact-Checking the Feds on Airport Killing
Antiwar.com: Killing in the Name of Democracy
Baltimore Chronicle: The Farcical Definition at the Core of the War on Terror
FFF: Unleashing the Federal Surveillance Machine
Reason: TSA Killers & Their Apologists
Freedom Daily: How the Feds Took Over Farming
O Estado de São Paulo: Um terrorista em cada canto [Brazil]
Times: Setting the Record Straight
Wisconsin Public Radio interview with Joy Cardin (1/25)
Other 2006 publications:
Salt Lake Tribune, Anniston Star, Las Cruces Sun News, Dodge City Globe, Southern Utah University Journal, The Peninsula (Qatar), Manchester Union Leader(NH), Albany Times Union, Myrtle Beach Sun News, Montana Standard (Butte), The Colombian (Vancouver, WA), Pasadena Weekly, Central Oregonian, Islamic Broadcasting Network, Glencoe News (Minnesota), Daily Sun News (Washington), Northwest Arkansas News, Willits News (California),
Spinoffs, Excerpts, et al.:
The Millennium Challenge Foreign Aid Fraud Barron's February 21, 2005
The Pentagon's Growing Threat to Homeland Liberties Alternet December 10, 2004
TSA's Nationwide Looting Epidemic New York Times August 18, 2004
Ashcroft's Antiterrorism Antics -American Conservative October 11, 2004
Bush Lies & Thrives Alternet September 17, 2004
The Bush Administration's Wrecking Ball Benevolence Barron's August 23, 2004
Bipartisan Repression of Freedom of Speech Baltimore Sun, August 6, 2004
Thwarting Terrorists with a Kosher Meal Registry Boston Globe, August 16, 2004
The Latest Farm Policy Fraud Washington Times, August 15, 2004
Saddam as the Twentieth Hijacker Freedom Daily October 2004
The No-Fault No-Fly List October 13, 2004
San Francisco Chronicle: Quarantining Dissent - Protecting Bush from Free Speech, Jan. 4, 2004
Reason Magazine: Cover story defaming the Transportation Security Administration - February 2004
The Freeman: COINTELPRO: The Model for the FBI's New Crackdown? - Jan. 04
American Conservative: Bush's War on Freedom of Speech December 15, 2003
USA Today: Bush's Biggest Lie on Iraq August 14, 2003
American Conservative: The New Post 9/11 Surveillance State May 19, 2003
Baltimore Sun: America Fights for Freedom to Read August 18, 2003 (also in Newark Star-Ledger, Hartford Courant, Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, and other papers across the U.S.)
Washington Times: Bombing Sudan - Deja Vu Five Years Before Iraq August 31, 2003
Washington Times: FBI Incompetence the Key to Moussaoui Case September 7, 2003
Washington Times: Concrete Lessons of the Sniper Case October 3, 2003
Investors Business Daily: Patriot Act vs Financial Freedom October 8, 2003
Counterpuch: The Reagan Roadmap to Antiterrorism Disaster October 8, 2003
FFF: The Folly of Invading Iraq October 18, 2003
Washington Times: The TSA Keystone Kops October 23, 2003
LRC: 20 Years after the Beirut Bombing: More Soldiers Will Die for Empire October 23, 2003
Freedom Daily: President Wilson's Crusade and President Bush's Crusade November 2003
Playboy: Terrorizing the Bill of Rights April 2002
Articles mentioning the book:
Claire Wolfe, Backwoods Home Magazine: Ashcroft v. Bovard (January 2004)
Policy Review: The Great Hunger Hoax (1983)