Tag Archives | police brutality


Who Inflicted More Damage, Looters or Politicians?

NOTE: AIER website is currently down so I am redirecting traffic to my posting of this article I did for them today. American Institute for Economic Research, June 1, 2020 The Real Looters are the Politicians James Bovard – The brutal killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police spurred widespread protests which have been followed […]

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MP3 Baltimore Riots with Brian Wilson

Talk show legend Brian Wilson and I did a postmortem on the Baltimore Riots on his Libertas Media Project podcast today. I was amused by Brian’s opening riff – claiming that Public Policy Hooligan will soon be a made-for-TV movie that includes Buford Porchdog Mulcoskey as Bill Clinton and Trample the Wonder Rhino as Janet […]

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MP3 of Scott Horton Radio Show on Cluster Bomb Congress

Libertarian hardline hell-raiser talk show host Scott Horton and I had a rattlin’ good chat yesterday on his radio show about the Cluster Bomb Congress article, asset forfeiture, police brutality, and a couple other damn outrages. Being on Scott’s show always vaccinates me against my moderate tendencies. You can download or listen to the show by […]

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Maryland Police Tyranny, Slightly Curbed

from the Future of Freedom Foundation – POLICE TYRANNY, SLIGHTLY CURBED by James Bovard   (posted by FFF June 26, 2013) On the night of March 3, 2010, University of Maryland students spilled out onto a main street in College Park, Maryland, to celebrate a victory by the school’s basketball team. Prince George’s County police had […]

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Nature of the State Revealed in One Minute 39 Seconds

The police response to the nonviolent protests at the University of California Davis is a stark lesson of how much abuse some government officials feel entitled to inflict on anyone who does not kowtow. Watching this video, I wonder how much more violence the police would have inflicted if they had been confident that they […]

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