Tag Archives | Justice Department


N.Y. Post: Fauci’s FOIA Follies Show Faux Transparency in DC

New York Post, May 29, 2024 Fauci’s FOIA follies show ‘transparency’ in Washington has always been a fraud by James Bovard Republican congressional investigators are exposing brazen COVID cover-ups by the National Institutes for Health and top aides to Anthony Fauci. Bureaucrats have dodged complying with the Freedom of Information Act — a law meant […]

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jpb quote jpeg by Natalie F D on Assange & Wikileaks

Assange Wins Delay, but ‘Punishment by Process’ Continues

American Conservative, May 22, 2024 Assange Wins Delay, but ‘Punishment by Process’ Continues by James Bovard The good news is that Julian Assange’s lawyers blocked his extradition to the United States, where he would face a kangaroo court hearing and life in prison. The bad news is that Assange remains locked up in Britain’s Belmarsh […]

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Saving Julian Assange, Free Speech, and Democracy

American Conservative, March 28, 2024 Saving Julian Assange, Free Speech, and Democracy by James Bovard How much is a non-binding “assurance” worth from people who probably want to see you dead? This is the linchpin question as a British court deliberates on the Biden administration’s latest conniving to bring Julian Assange to America for his […]

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Biden and Forgotten Federal Financial Tyranny

Mises Institute, January 25, 2024 Biden and Forgotten Federal Financial Tyranny by James Bovard Americans were jolted last week to learn that the Joe Biden administration viewed purchasing a Bible as a potential terrorist warning sign. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, revealed that the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network […]

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Julian Assange Still Deserves a Medal of Freedom

Julian Assange Still Deserves a Medal of Freedom by James Bovard Five years ago, USA Today published my piece, “Julian Assange deserves a Medal of Freedom, not a secret indictment.” Assange has been persecuted because he and Wikileaks exposed war crimes by the U.S. government and its allies. But he still deserves a Medal of […]

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