Tag Archives | coverup


Sen. Bob Graham, 9/11, and the Mirage of American Democracy

Senator Bob Graham, 9/11, and the Mirage of American Democracy  by James Bovard Former Senator Bob Graham passed away on April 16 at the age of 87. Graham had been one of the most outspoken opponents of the Iraq War, but his brightest legacy was his perennial fight against the George W. Bush administration’s cover-up […]

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Our Potemkin Presidency

Our Potemkin Presidency by James Bovard November 8, 2023 The Founding Fathers sought to create a government that would be under the law and under the Constitution. Since World War One, presidents have amassed far more arbitrary power to rule by decree. Every recent American commander-in-chief has expanded and exploited the dictatorial potential of the […]

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Screenshot 2023-08-18 at 07-18-37 The New York Post e-Edition

N.Y. Post: Hunter Biden loses chance to give courthouse speech — and the special counsel loses more credibility

New York Post, August 17, 2023 Hunter Biden loses chance to give courthouse speech — and the special counsel loses more credibility by James Bovard Breaking News: Hunter Biden was robbed of the chance to win the Emmy Award for Best Tear-Jerking Performance on Courthouse Steps by a Media Darling. The Washington Post revealed Thursday […]

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