Tag Archives | fraud


Psychiatry is Vexxing More Americans Than Ever

Psychiatrists are continually concocting new "mental illnesses" to stretch their power over everyone else. But psychiatry fails to recognize people suffering from “Missing Bullshit Alarm” as a grave malady in our times. https://t.co/FkK0UPfFA7 — James Bovard (@JimBovard) May 14, 2024 Therapists are hollowing out the American character, generation by generation. What do they  offer in lieu […]

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N.Y. Post: More nails in the coffin of Biden’s censorship regime

New York Post, December 1, 2023 More nails in the coffin of Biden’s censorship regime James Bovard With each passing month, we are getting closer to the Custer’s Last Stand for federal censors. But will free speech triumph in time to prevent the feds from secretly rigging the 2024 presidential election? At a House Weaponization […]

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Snowden and the Fight for American Privacy

Snowden and the Fight for American Privacy by James Bovard Edward Snowden did heroic service in awakening Americans to Washington ravishing their privacy. Snowden’s “reward” is to be banished in Russia without a snowball’s chance in hell of a fair trial if he returns to America. But as he courageously declared, “I would rather be […]

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Pounding Fauci for 3 Years on Twitter

Fauci is trending on Twitter today. The Wall Street Journal just exposed the coverup of the Covid-19 leaking from a Wuhan lab that Fauci helped bankroll (confirming prior exposes). Since April 2020, I have been pounding Fauci on Twitter. Here’s a round-up of accolades I tossed out for “Mr. Science.” Perhaps Fauci will paraphrase a […]

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Covid Robbers as Victims?

Covid Robbers as Victims? By James Bovard   February 9, 2023   Policy In his State of the Union address on Tuesday night, President Biden rewrote the history of the pandemic. Biden lamented, “Covid had shut down our businesses. Schools were closed. We were robbed of so much.” But it wasn’t Covid that issued the […]

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