Tag Archives | Humor


Jousting with Secret Service Debacles on the Brian Wilson Podcast

PODCAST ALERT VIA BRIAN WILSON: “The Two and Only, talk show legend Brian Wilson and best selling scribbler James Bovard, take on Secret Service Incompetence or FBI Non Compos Mentis? A distinction without a difference!” Brian Wilson opened the show by quipping that there “are only 110 long, hard, grueling days left to sharpen your […]

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Screenshot 2022-09-23 at 08-33-04 Something Completely Different With Brian Wilson on Apple Podcasts

Heat Wave Comic Relief with the Brian Wilson Podcast

Brian Wilson and I did our best to rescue Joe Biden today but maybe jokes won’t be enough to save his re-election campaign.  Great to catch up with Brian after a 10 week interlude. Brian quipped that “it became necessary to get the band back together, knowing our two protagonists, just like Jake and Elmo, […]

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Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 11-58-56 The State of Liberty in America Today

Talking Last Rights on the FFF Podcast

I joined Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling for a rowdy exchange about Last Rights and political crimes on the Future of Freedom Foundation‘s Libertarian Alternative podcast.  I much appreciated Jacob’s endorsement of my new book: “I highly recommend Last Rights, another fantastic book by Jim Bovard.” Here are some outtakes from the interview: “It might […]

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My Video Flashback to Walking the Railroad in 2003

My New York Post piece today talked about how the town of Irvington, New York was shut down on Thursday for a Biden’s fundraising visit. That reminded me of how my 2003 trip to Irvington to give a speech turned into a long walk along the Metro North railroad line. Hopefully this is good for […]

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