Tag Archives | tyranny

Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 11-58-56 The State of Liberty in America Today

Talking Last Rights on the FFF Podcast

I joined Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling for a rowdy exchange about Last Rights and political crimes on the Future of Freedom Foundation‘s Libertarian Alternative podcast.  I much appreciated Jacob’s endorsement of my new book: “I highly recommend Last Rights, another fantastic book by Jim Bovard.” Here are some outtakes from the interview: “It might […]

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The World Economic Forum Is Still Conspiring Against Your Freedom

The World Economic Forum Is Still Conspiring Against Your Freedom by James Bovard Last January, humanity’s elite gathered again in Davos, Switzerland, to plan out the rest of our lives. World Economic Forum (WEF) honchos are morally superior because they are devoted to destroying your freedom to save the Earth, or at least to safeguard […]

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One Hundred Years of IRS Political Targeting

One Hundred Years of IRS Political Targeting by James Bovard, April 15, 2024 One hundred years ago, Senator James Couzens, a Michigan Republican, took to the Senate floor to denounce the Bureau of Internal Revenue for abusing its power and trampling innocent taxpayers. Couzens launched a sweeping Senate investigation of federal tax collectors. One year […]

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The Alarm Bells for Tyranny No Longer Work

When the military occupied D.C. in 2021, I was astounded that people felt comforted by troops and armored vehicles rolling down the streets and by the barbed wire surrounding Capitol Hill.  It seemed like the “alarm bells for tyranny” no longer worked – at least not  for over-educated folks with 2 or 3 Masters’ Degrees. […]

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