Tag Archives | FBI

Screenshot 2024-10-18 at 11-03-40 Will A Potemkin Election Follow Biden's Potemkin Presidency RealClearPolicy

Will A Potemkin Election Follow Biden’s Potemkin Presidency?

Real Clear Policy, October 18, 2024 Will A Potemkin Election Follow Biden’s Potemkin Presidency? Blindfolds and systemic deceit are the death of self-government. by James Bovard President Biden has been derided for being a Potemkin president, a figurehead in a vast charade portraying him actually running the government.  Biden was forced to withdraw from the […]

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Supreme Court Unleashes Censors and Betrays Democracy

Supreme Court Unleashes Censors and Betrays Democracy by James Bovard On the eve of the first presidential candidate debate, the Supreme Court gave a huge boost to Joe Biden to help him “fix” the 2024 election with maybe its worst decision of the year. It remains to be seen whether the court’s refusal to stop […]

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Hillary Clinton’s Sordid History of Secrecy and Censorship

Hillary Clinton’s Sordid History of Secrecy and Censorship by James Bovard, September 23, 2024  Libertarian Institute “You could drop Hillary into any trouble spot, come back in a month and…she will have made it better,” former President Bill Clinton declared in a 2016 speech championing his wife’s presidential candidacy. But Hillary’s entry into the brawls […]

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Did the IRS Manipulate the 2020 Election?

Did the IRS Manipulate the 2020 Election? by James Bovard | Sep 9, 2024 Hunter Biden pled guilty on Thursday to a barrage of federal tax crimes. But will the Internal Revenue Service and Justice Department ever plead guilty to stealing the 2020 election for Joe Biden? In 2023, the IRS assessed 18,599,109 penalties on […]

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Dictator Biden’s Anti-Dictator Constitutional Amendment

Dictator Biden’s Anti-Dictator Constitutional Amendment by James Bovard | Aug 5, 2024 Twenty years ago, I jokingly proposed a constitutional amendment to require the U.S. government to obey the Constitution. President Biden has one-upped me with his proposal for a “No One is Above the Law” constitutional amendment. But Biden would have been more honest […]

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Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 22-58-50 Jim Bovard - The Shaun Thompson Show

Thrashing Politicians and Fumbling Feds on the Shaun Thompson Show

Shaun Thompson, the host of the Liberty Hour on  Chicago’s The Answer AM 560, and I hounding and pounded a bunch of politicians and federal agencies this evening.   I mentioned the media’s rush to Kamalaflauge – “it’s like Harris’s entire record is being expunged and anyone who quotes what she said in 2019 is […]

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