Archive | April 19, 2011

Waco Redux

This is the 18th anniversary of the FBI’s final assault at Waco. Here are a few pieces I wrote for the Wall Street Journal about Waco in 1995 during a brief window when Republicans claimed to be intent on discovering what actually happened at that debacle. Janet Reno’s comparison of a 54-ton tank to a […]

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MP3 of Interview with Antiwar’s Scott Horton on Idiot Libyan Policymakers

From “James Bovard, author of Attention Deficit Democracy, discusses his article, “Uncle Sam’s big plans for your hard-earned tax dollars;” the two-party “consensus of rascals” on US foreign policy; the “best and brightest” government policymakers who are blinded by arrogance, tunnel vision and echo chambers; and the confusion about whether disastrous foreign policy decisions […]

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