Archive | November 1, 2006

Why I Was Disbarred

I exchanged some email earlier today with Scott Horton over at Stress blog. Here’s his writeup: What the Hell is a “Person of Interest”? I first heard the phrase used by John Ashcroft in his wild unfounded accusations against Steven Hatfill in the anthrax case and here and there a couple of times since. Now […]

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Anti-Torture Activism with a Smile

Neil Alexander, a New Hampshire activist is doing a great job of haunting the incumbents for voting for torture.   His signs are here. This haunting and taunting should continue long after Nov.7. And another hitch: malcontents could take the signs down. Maybe we need something more indelible. If these congressmen are going to brag about voting […]

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Email Bovard Address is Down – Alternative Email Address

My usual email address –  is not functioning today. My older email address is working – I will spare readers the obligatory profanity regarding this ISP screwup.  Thanks for folks who notified me that their mail to the address was bouncing back to them.    

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