Ron Paul Supporters Rally at Capitol

A couple hundred Ron Paul supporters gathered in front of the Capitol today to hear speakers @organized by the Granny Warriors. 

I stopped by mid afternoon.  I was told by one attendee that “Ron Paul came  by and spoke around 11:15. Unfortunately, the sound system was  not yet working  at that point.”  He said he had heard Congressman Paul might return and speak again later today.

Here are some pics.  Full size versions are available at my Flickr page here.


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11 Responses to Ron Paul Supporters Rally at Capitol

  1. W Baker April 16, 2008 at 8:54 am #

    I’m going to abstain from making any statement about the woman who by all appearances seems to have just taken up yoga or meditation…

  2. Jim April 16, 2008 at 9:14 am #

    Wes, your abstention ruins your record. (Now, if I had told you she had a British accent….)

    I thought you would be able to solve the mystery on this one.

  3. The Infamous Oregon Lawhobbit April 16, 2008 at 9:48 am #

    What, no chunky donutmonkey pics?

  4. Dirk W. Sabin April 16, 2008 at 9:59 am #

    Somehow, I thinkst the Hoary Ghost of Andrew Jackson would be flummoxed by this crowd of anti-federalista bankophobes.

    The sound system being down for Mr. Paul says it all.

    Perhaps we are not bitter enough yet.

  5. Jim April 16, 2008 at 10:05 am #

    LawHobbit – I’m saving my tributes to law enforcement until next month’s “Police Week” in DC.

  6. W. Baker April 16, 2008 at 1:41 pm #

    Having just returned from the British Isles and seen how the British lasses have taken on the barrel-shaped figures of their American cousins, I would be surprised, Jim, if this chick didn’t have a British accent!

    BTW, I didn’t see the ‘dreds’ on her at first glance. Just goes to show ya’ the Paul Revolution attracted all stripes. And that’s a good thing…

  7. Dirk W. Sabin April 16, 2008 at 2:06 pm #

    Police Week and Inspektor Bovard on prowl mit camera….oh goody.

    With your record though, might be prudent to wear a Harley Hat and a NASCAR tshirt and carry a clear plastic sack of fried bon-bon tribute to throw if they break ugly on you.

  8. Jim April 16, 2008 at 3:26 pm #

    I posted the same comments over at the blog

    Getting some lively comments – including the 37th one:
    “2008-04-16 13:00:30
    I am amazed that the photos here do not depict what was really taking place at the rally. I was there and these photos show a crowd of less than 1/5th of what it was at its peak. Notice that the sun shows a late afternoon view. This leads me to believe that these photos are from when the event was winding down!!! Please use photos that show reality! I have photos that I will post on Daily Paul late this evening. This is really damaging and people should think twice before posting dooming phrases like “A COUPLE HUNDRED PEOPLE”. THERE WERE SEVERAL THOUSAND PEOPLE THERE!!!”p>

    Hmmm…. were they disguised as trees and bushes?

    Ironic that the previous commentors who attended the rally did not have the same reaction.

    Even more ironic that the website lifted one of my photographs and used it as their own photo header for the event on its site today.

  9. Dirk W. Sabin April 16, 2008 at 4:38 pm #

    perhaps some, like the Yoga-launch pad
    be-dredlock’ed young lady flapping her limbs and communing with Wiccan Flight Central had flown out of there by the time you appeared . Perhaps some had really wanted to go but the bong drawer needed cleaning and then, well then, maybe one at a time left in search of a sound man to ignite the PA so Mr. Paul could be heard over the chanting of the Unpanishads but maybe, well, this is getting mean….

  10. Jim April 16, 2008 at 4:53 pm #

    Actually, fewer Wiccans than I usually see at DC demonstrations.

    But perhaps my baseline on that was forever contorted by stumbling onto a Wiccan Rights Rally on July 4 2006.

    Some of those women could have gotten work as cops….

  11. Jim April 17, 2008 at 12:08 pm #

    The Ron Paul rally on Tuesday was “organized” by the Granny Warriors.

    One “Granny Warrior” tees off on my crowd estimate on the Daily Paul website:

      Why anyone would want to be known as a liar

    don’t know who this person is and don’t really care but I was there
    I took a good count, there were at least 1,200 people there all day long, At the very end of the day there were still a crowd which is very unusual., At most of the rallys when Dr. Paul leaves it is over.. this one was much different, the rally started when he left with 22 speakers and bands and Dave with his music. Look at the phtots and videos. It was a great day and I am so proud to have been a part of it. The congessmen came out on the steps and watched as did the snipers on the roof tops.

    Anyone that trys to minimise this crowd is off their rockers. The people at this rally were spread all over the place, with blankets, chairs and their familys and picnic lunches. This is what a rally should be like. Fun, learning and sharing with each other..

    When you get ready to put together your 500 000 march let us know we will be there to cheer you on not try to discourage your efforts.

    Granny Warrior
