Archive | May, 2009

“Thus Ended Capitalism”

Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams has a wonderful strip on the real credit crisis – the fact that so few people can trust each other any more. The only thing that was missing from the strip was a final square or two reassuring people that Washington will intervene and make honesty the law of the land.

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The Real Victims of the Torture Scandal

Instapundit Glenn Reynolds debunks the torture scandal once and for all. In a post entitled “PELOSI LIED, THE WATERBOARDING ISSUE DIED,” Reynolds declares that “the torture issue was mostly a political tool designed to cow right-leaning members of the punditocracy by calling them Nazis. Now that it’s not needed so much, it can be allowed […]

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AmeriCorps Vindicated in Baltimore Sun

From today’s Baltimore Sun: In his recent Op-Ed criticizing the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act (“AmeriCorps boondoggle grows, April 28), James Bovard missed the boat on the essence of AmeriCorps and its engagement of professional volunteers to implement sustainable social change in America. By allocating increased funds to AmeriCorps, the federal government places resources […]

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Flu-Induced Insanity from the Obama Team

The Washington Post reports that the Obama administration is considering pushing for all Americans to get 3 flu shots this Fall – “one to combat annual seasonal influenza and two targeted at the new swine flu virus spreading across the globe.” So is this part of a stimulus package for autism treatment centers, or what? […]

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My 2 Cents on Ron Paul, Surveillance, and the Republican Party’s Future

David Weigel has a good piece in the Washington Independent today on Ron Paul ‘s rising influence in Washington. The articles mentions that Ron Paul has been bringing in some folks to have lunch and discuss ideas with some of his Republican colleagues. The article includes a quote from me: “There’s a growing recognition that […]

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“Audit the Fed” Surging – 110+ Co-Sponsors

Ron Paul’s “Audit the Fed” bill now has more than 110 co-sponsors. Paul’s legislation and the widespread support it is garnering is one of the silver linings to the financial crisis. If the legislation continues gaining supporters, I expect the Obama administration, the Treasury Department, and others to start hammering the legislation as dangerous or […]

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