When the Washington Post’s Tom Toles is good, he’s great.
“A democratic government that respects
no limits on its power is a ticking time bomb,
waiting to destroy the rights
it was created to protect.”
When the Washington Post’s Tom Toles is good, he’s great.
Jim, I was just informed this morning on television by one of those victorious people in a khaki costume posted in Iraq that “We left it better than we found it.”
And the person who was interviewing him shouted, “BULLSHIT!” — right?
Does the “entra” in the wonderful “entraxit” of his spot-on cartoon mean “entranced”.
Dirk, I think you are hitting on something there. Those people in D.C. and their hypnotized minions are certainly in an alternate reality.
I suppose the War Party is shouting “On to Tehran!”
Yes – but not for themselves, of course. They have to stay here on the Northeast Corridor to continue writing opeds for big newspapers and gas-bagging on the Lehrer Newshour.
The War Party wants the lesser folks to do the fighting…
But this Teheran refrain has been periodic since 2003. Here’s a link to a piece I wrote in Oct. 2003 on ‘The Folly of Attacking Iran’..
I was struck by the name of the new “mission”: Operation New Dawn.
Damn. They always said that we won the Cold War. I have my doubts; with a mission name like that it sounds as if the Commies succeeded in taking over the U.S. government. Well, the dumber Commies anyway.
Operation New Damn sounds a lot better than Operation Same Crap.