Winning Hearts and Minds and Fingers in Aghanistan By Jim on September 19, 2010 The latest PR challenge in Afghanistan… Afghanistan, Afghanistan, Attention Deficit Democracy, Attention Deficit Democracy, Lying, War crimes
No doubt Rush and his ‘bots will tell us that it’s just a frat prank, and the real blame goes to the press for printing the story. Arrr the scurvy unpatriotic dogs!
Great comment!
The spinning on this one might break all previous records for audacity…
I’d guess that the spin has already started. The story says that the killings were done by soldiers “with a fondness for alcohol and hashish.”
Drugs bad, mmmmmmkay? See what they do to otherwise Proud Defenders Of America?
Further proof that we need to rev up the War on Drugs everywhere.
Gee, why stop there, we should man-up and simply launch the War on Everything