“When More than the Wiki Leaks”
This artwork is from Tom Blanton, the mastermind of The Project for a New American Revolution.
Tom has other top notch libertarian-themed political art work at his Flickr page here.
“America needs fewer laws, not more prisons.”
“When More than the Wiki Leaks”
This artwork is from Tom Blanton, the mastermind of The Project for a New American Revolution.
Tom has other top notch libertarian-themed political art work at his Flickr page here.
Way cool. I hope there’s plenty of room in there as the state begins arresting everyone who looks the wrong way at them and tears a sandwich bag full of lunchmeat in front of the wrong person…LOL
I suppose y’all still like PayPal (PayTraitor) ?
Someone needs to replace the traitor (govt suckups).
We’ve even forgot how to die fighting rather than surrender. Fk ! Not me. They’re trophies to me…every last one of them.
Set me straight. I’ll never have an account with PayTraitor.
George (the butcher) Bush is found either in Crawford or Dallas Texas.
He’s doing a book tour, so check first.
Someone pass that secret to the NewYork Times. It could save thousands of lives.
“That’s why the statists and U.S. officials hate WikiLeaks so much. It has committed the unpardonable sin: It has revealed some of the dirty secrets of the national security state and the U.S. Empire, thereby piercing the conscience and consciousness of the American citizenry with reality and truth.”[JH]
For decades they spent trillions on DEFENSE but Wikileak hit them on their achilley heel. So now they’re mad as hell. Their starwar defense was easily penetrated. The enemy spent pennies to do it. LOL