This Candorville cartoon strip is the best capture of modern politics I have seen by any cartoonist all year. Kudos to Darrin Bell.
“The quest for a political mechanism to force
government to serve the people is the
modern search for the Holy Grail.”
This Candorville cartoon strip is the best capture of modern politics I have seen by any cartoonist all year. Kudos to Darrin Bell.
I like this one because it says more about the electorate than the elected.
As much as I enjoy ripping a new one for politicians, I’ve increasingly been directing my ire at the people who donate their money, time and votes for the sociopathic scumbags that rule over us.
Political types get nervous when activists hammer the electorate, such as calling them sheeple or ignorant.
Much like the term “congress critters”, I find the term “sheeple” much too soft, preferring the word “rubes” to describe the voting serfs. Even this term is perhaps too kind as it portrays the voter as merely being a sucker or a chump, when many of these bastards are as evil as the monsters they vote for.
This cartoon reveals what is in the black hearts of voters. By November I may be so worked up that I’ll accost people wearing “I Voted” stickers with a verbal attack laced with profanities that will cause them to reconsider ever wearing another one of those identifying stickers.
Tom, these next two months are going to be hard on you. Unfortunately, on everybody else, too.
Actually – maybe only on people who are using their brains. So the suffering will be limited.
I’m trying not to take offense at your derogatory use of the term “rube.”
My animosity for the voters has inspired me to make a series of my little “cartoon” things entitled “I Voted”.
Maybe I’ll print some out and pass them out to voters as they exit the polls in November.
Great stuff, Tom! Everybody should check that out. It will help kill the pain on Election Day.