This cartoon would be perfect if there was a drone launching a missile to blast Lady Liberty before she escaped and perhaps became either a militant or an extremist.
(Excellent cartoon by Joel Pett)
The biggest election frauds usually
occur before the voting booths open.”
This cartoon would be perfect if there was a drone launching a missile to blast Lady Liberty before she escaped and perhaps became either a militant or an extremist.
(Excellent cartoon by Joel Pett)
I DON’T GET IT! Oops, didn’t mean to yell. Well, I guess I sort of get it.
At first I thought it was a bad photograph, then I read where it was a cartoon. But, aren’t cartoons supposed to be funny? This one just kind of pissed me off. Although, I can certainly see why the ruling elite of the world’s most fantastic police state would clip this cartoon and place it under the glass top on their mahogany desks just for chuckles.
I do like the concept of filling in Sam’s missing thought balloon. Whack Lady Liberty is a good one. I came up with a couple more:
“No more trophy wives for me”
The “trophy wives” line is great!