Archive | November, 2017

The Hill: Facebook Farce Shows Congressional Deviousness & Demagoguery

The Hill, November 4, 2017   Facebook farce shows lawmaker deviousness, demagoguery by James Bovard  The 2016 election was the first time in history that goofy advertisements were considered an act of war. The frenzy on Capitol Hill over a smattering of Russian advertisements would be comical except that most of the American media has […]

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Government as Slave Owner (2000)

The latest hubbub over whether slavery was the sole cause of the Civil War reminded me of this article on how modern governments have connived to seize unlimited power over citizens.   The Declaration of Independence was clear that Americans rights pre-existed the creation of government.  But today’s Statists see government as the fount of all rights.  What […]

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