My recommendation for getting through 2020: “Drink heavily and buy more ammo.” Had fun joining Jacob Hornberger & Richard Ebeling on the The Future of Freedom Foundation podcast, bantering about my “Why I Write” essay. I mentioned that the media tended to ignore any political scandals not involving panties or profiteering – so Trump has […]
Archive | August, 2020

Why I Write
Mises Institute, August 11, 2020 Why I Write by James Bovard I was born in Iowa, raised in the mountains of Virginia, and attended Virginia Tech sporadically from 1974 to 1976 before dropping out to try my luck writing. At some point in the late 1970s, individual liberty became my highest political value and I […]
America’s Newest 0.000008% Dictator
American Institute for Economic Research, August 7, 2020 Deceit and Demagoguery in Montgomery County, Maryland James Bovard Across the nation, politicians and bureaucrats have invoked the COVID pandemic to seize dictatorial power to ban activities they disapprove. One of the most brazen examples recently occurred in super-lefty Montgomery County (MoCo), Maryland, where local health czar […]