Back on the Brian Wilson Show for the “Two and Only” Weekly podcast —
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From Brian’s substack:
Never Let A Good Crisis…etc.
Talk show legend Brian Wilson and the Swamp’s “Least Wanted”, James Bovard, together again for the first time marking the FBI’s Open Season on Extreme MAGA Red Hats and the domestic terrorists who wear them! Plus Jim Bovard’s Big Reveal: A Blessed Event!
Jim Bovard is a contributor for USA Today and The New York Post and the author of 10 books. Find out more on his website and follow him onTwitter/X @JimBovard.
Brian Wilson is a nationally-known radio and television host, author, speaker, and consultant with more than 50 years experience in media as host, News/Program Director, and Owner. His periodic scribblings can be found on Substack and his website. On Facebook, check out Brian’s page along with his 50 Stories: 50 Years in Radio page and of course, the Now For Something Completely Different Facebook page. Brian’s books can be found on Amazon.

Was any poll taken to see how many Americans consider BOTH parties a threat to American life?
It’s sad that while condemnation of the Hamas attack is (justifiably) nearly universal, many people are determined not to open their eyes to the slaughter of innocents that Israel has performed, continues to perform, and has vowed to perform in perpetuity. I think the claim that Israel knew about the attack ahead of time is quite plausible: they’ve made no secret of their determination to push everyone out of Gaza and claim it for themselves, and manufacturing an “excuse” to do so would be exactly the kind of thing that governments do.