Talking Last Rights and Thumping Politicians on the Leighton Smith Podcast

Leighton Smith, a legendary radio host who now does the top podcast in New Zealand, and I had a rowdy 90 minute chat on  American politics and lost freedoms this week.  Leighton describes himself as a libertarian conservative and he has long followed political battles both in his country and in the U.S.  It is a treat to talk at length with a host who is an avid reader and who plucks quotes from my old books that I had almost forgotten. You can listen to the  NewstalkZB interview by clicking below –

Here is Leighton’s write-up on the interview:

James Bovard is a Libertarian Journalist and Author. Thirteen books published. In his first ’The Farm Fiasco’ (1989) he referenced NZ as a world leader in farming.

In 1994 came ‘Lost Rights; The Destruction of American Liberty’ We interviewed in April 2021 re Covid.

Now thirty years after Lost Rights, comes ‘Last Rights; The Death of American Liberty”.

We arranged the interview moments before the 1st Presidential Debate.

Between the book and the political crisis in the U.S. there was never a dull moment.

And he’s quite amusing. Bovard is a “character”!

File your comments and complaints at

Here is the link to the Omny version of the show

Here is the link to the iHeart radio version



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