Does Bad Comedy Make a Good Rift? Political Writing Damned? Brian Wilson Podcast

Brian Wilson and I had fun smacking around the media, Kamala, and other incorrigibles.  I recapped a local comedy show I saw last weekend that seemed intent on pummeling the audience.  Brian and I agreed that the lies permeating the 2024 presidential campaign are not democracy at its finest.

Here are a few of my lines from the podcast: “The media’s coverage of the 2024 presidential campaign is a circle jerk that never ends.

” Kamala Harris is getting Joan of Arc amphetamine shots from the media. They are painting her as this great hero and it’s kind of amazing that we didn’t know about this until she was almost 60 years old but all of a sudden you know she’s got this whole new life story.”

“Harris’s story reminds me of the  1800s story about a presidential candidate who claimed to have been born in a log cabin that he built with his own hands.”

“A lot of the CNN audience are people who see their purpose in life as hating Donald Trump. So anything that they hear is going to confirm their bias.”

“After I moved to Washington in the 1980s, I was appalled at the paltry prevailing literary standards. Rather than aspiring for grace or  humor, Washington writers simply put readers into a headlock and pounded them for a thousand words.  It seemed to do more in common with BDSM than with  the best writers of earlier times.”

“In recent years, space limits vanished as writing shifted to the Internet. Many people write as if their readers are under subpoena and compelled to read whatever they blather.  Same problem with podcasts – I hear folks bragging about multi-hour podcasts that sound more brutal than a Fidel Castro stem winder speech about the Five Year Plan for sugar harvests.”

“There’s a whole lot of good reasons to be distrustful of all the candidates this year.”

You can hear the 28 minutes audio clicking here

Check out Brian’s substack here


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One Response to Does Bad Comedy Make a Good Rift? Political Writing Damned? Brian Wilson Podcast

  1. Brisn Wilson August 15, 2024 at 12:32 am #

    As comfortable as wearing a sandpaper jock strap….