Archive | September 12, 2024

Screenshot 2024-09-12 at 14-03-46 Add New Post ‹ James Bovard — WordPress

Hunter Biden and Joe Biden’s Next Verbal Hairball

Here’s another outtake from the New York Post video.  This was produced via Clipchamp.  The prior video was produced via Descript. Both were outtakes from the video by the New York Post video team. What do you think of the difference between the two?  Is the audio significantly clearer in one of the videos?

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Screenshot 2024-09-12 at 12-02-27 Add New Post ‹ James Bovard — WordPress

My New Motto for the IRS

I come to the IRS’s rescue by offering a new motto for the agency. This video was spurred by my New York Post piece on the IRS coverup of Hunter Biden’s tax crimes.

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