American Atrocity: Remembering the Shenandoah Burning by James Bovard, September 30, 2024 George Orwell wrote in 1945 that “the nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.” This week is the 160th anniversary of one of the worst […], September 27, 2024 Kamala Harris’ ‘Opportunity Economy’ scam is a wrecking ball of government control by James Bovard Former President Donald Trump this week denounced Kamala Harris as a “one-woman economic wrecking ball,” and that sure fits her plans to create an “Opportunity Economy.” Her vision to radically transform American life bizarrely presumes that […]
Supreme Court Unleashes Censors and Betrays Democracy by James Bovard On the eve of the first presidential candidate debate, the Supreme Court gave a huge boost to Joe Biden to help him “fix” the 2024 election with maybe its worst decision of the year. It remains to be seen whether the court’s refusal to stop […]
September 25, 2024 Hillary Clinton Returns to Muzzle Everyone James Bovard Why should Americans trust anyone who believes Orwell’s 1984 was an ode to servility? “You could drop Hillary into any trouble spot, come back in a month and… she will have made it better,” former president Bill Clinton declared in a 2016 speech […]
Covid Czar Scandal Is Reminder of Boundless Idiocy and Hypocrisy of the Covid Regime by James Bovard, September 24, 2024 Remember when government officials sanctioned orgies but insisted it was too risky to permit children to attend classes to learn how to read? During the pandemic, New York City Covid Czar Jay Varma championed endless […]
Here’s an outtake from my New York Post YouTube video spurred by last week’s article – Is disinformation becoming simply another stick for rulers to use to flog citizens with? Politicians denouncing disinformation sounds better than proclaiming, ‘Shut up, peasants! But if politicians have no obligation to disclose how they use their power and can […]
I did a spiel for the New York Post video team on Hillary Clinton’s Censorship crusade. If we can’t trust Hillary to destroy the First Amendment, who can we trust?