Author Archive | Jim


Hillary Clinton’s Sordid History of Secrecy and Censorship

Hillary Clinton’s Sordid History of Secrecy and Censorship by James Bovard, September 23, 2024  Libertarian Institute “You could drop Hillary into any trouble spot, come back in a month and…she will have made it better,” former President Bill Clinton declared in a 2016 speech championing his wife’s presidential candidacy. But Hillary’s entry into the brawls […]

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Why are Police Entitled to Lie and Slander?

Why are Police Entitled to Lie and Slander? by James Bovard Facebook Twitter Reddit Email    Counterpunch, September 13, 2024 In a presidential race in which both major party candidates are kowtowing to law enforcement, don’t expect any candor about the perils that politicians have unleashed. To serve and protect, police are allowed to slander and […]

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Hunter Biden and Joe Biden’s Next Verbal Hairball

Here’s another outtake from the New York Post video.  This was produced via Clipchamp.  The prior video was produced via Descript. Both were outtakes from the video by the New York Post video team. What do you think of the difference between the two?  Is the audio significantly clearer in one of the videos?

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