New York Post, July 16, 2024 We can’t trust politicized FBI to handle probe of Trump assassination bid by James Bovard President Biden on Sunday announced an FBI investigation into the Secret Service’s astounding failure to protect Donald Trump at the rally in Butler, Pa., promising the probe would be “thorough and swift.” But it’s […]
Brian Wilson and I did our best to rescue Joe Biden today but maybe jokes won’t be enough to save his re-election campaign. Great to catch up with Brian after a 10 week interlude. Brian quipped that “it became necessary to get the band back together, knowing our two protagonists, just like Jake and Elmo, […]
Leighton Smith, a legendary radio host who now does the top podcast in New Zealand, and I had a rowdy 90 minute chat on American politics and lost freedoms this week. Leighton describes himself as a libertarian conservative and he has long followed political battles both in his country and in the U.S. It is […]
New York Post, July 3, 2024 Biden’s Supreme Court outburst revealed the falsehoods at the heart of his presidency by James Bovard “Vote for me or the Constitution dies” is President Biden’s latest pitch to revive his faltering re-election campaign. In four minutes of remarks Monday evening, he condemned a Supreme Court decision while signaling […]
The Supreme Court’s whitewash of FBI-Biden-CDC censorship was even more rascally than it looked. Will a federal Ministry of Truth secretly taint the 2024 presidential election results? The following video is featured as a Reporter Replay at New York Post – and as comic relief on Youtube –
COVID Tyranny and Merle Haggard’s Forgotten Warning by Jim Bovard | Jul 1, 2024 Since the start of the COVID pandemic, many Americans have been appalled at the tidal wave of dictatorial and futile decrees that sought to vanquish a virus. Even more shocking was the craven response by many citizens who believed that groveling […]
New York Post, June 27, 2024 Supreme Court’s censorship ruling lets Biden muzzle us online — and meddle in the election by James Bovard On the eve of the first presidential debate of 2024, the Supreme Court preemptively gave President Biden and his minions an implicit license to meddle in the election — by suppressing […]