New York Post, June 12, 2024 Hunter Biden verdict shatters family’s myth of legal invincibility, endangering Joe by James Bovard President Biden’s re-election campaign was hit by a torpedo Tuesday when a Delaware jury convicted his son Hunter on three felony charges. Ironically, the political fate of the most anti-gun president in American history could […]
Politicians Will Always Be Damn Rascals by James Bovard, June 10, 2024 Former President Donald Trump was recently convicted by a New York jury after prosecutors claimed he was guilty of “hoodwinking” voters in the 2016 election by paying to cover up his boinking of a beefy porn star. Manhattan prosecutor Alvin Bragg proclaimed that […]
Hearty thanks to Congressman Ron Paul for his kind words: “Jim Bovard has worked tirelessly for decades informing us about government assaults on our liberties. Every American who loves liberty should read ‘Last Rights‘…and all of Jim’s works!”
I cross-posted yesterday’s blog on the FFF podcast on Last Rights on Facebook. I learned late last night that I had sinned. Facebook decreed that my post violated “community standards” and removed it. YouTube had no trouble with the FFF post. But Facebook has a different “sniff test,” apparently. I have had trouble with Facebook […]
I joined Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling for a rowdy exchange about Last Rights and political crimes on the Future of Freedom Foundation‘s Libertarian Alternative podcast. I much appreciated Jacob’s endorsement of my new book: “I highly recommend Last Rights, another fantastic book by Jim Bovard.” Here are some outtakes from the interview: “It might […]
New York Post, June 3, 2024 Biden’s deepfake dodge to keep Hur interview secret reveals his war on truth James Bovard On Thursday, a Manhattan jury convicted Donald Trump of 34 felonies after prosecutors hustled a harebrained legal theory that claimed the former president had “hoodwinked” voters in the 2016 election. On Friday, the Department […]
I did a YouTube comic spin plucked from yesterday’s New York Post oped, Fauci’s FOIA follies show ‘transparency’ in Washington has always been a fraud. My guess is that neither DEA nor TSA will ever forgive me.