On this day in 1945, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Yalta Agreement with Stalin and Churchill. Roosevelt thereby gave the United States seal of approval to enslaving generations of Poles, Hungarians, Czechs, and others to Soviet tyranny. From 1942 through 1945, the U.S. government consistently deceived the American people about the character of the Soviet […]
Author Archive | Jim
L.A. Times: Are You a Suspected Terrorist?
The Los Angeles Times ran my op-ed today on the array of wacko definitions of suspected terrorists that the Bush administration has devised since 9/11. Here are some outtakes of the piece: PRESIDENT BUSH and Atty. Gen. Alberto Gonzales insist that the National Security Agency’s warrantless wiretapping of American citizens is a necessary “terrorist surveillance […]
Bush Now Entitled to Kill at Home?
The February 13 issue of Newsweek reveals that President Bush is entitled to order killings here in the United States, the same as he has been doing around the globe for the last few years. Newsweek notes that, “Steven Bradbury, acting head of the Justice department’s Office of Legal Counsel [the office which in 2002 […]
JPFO Interview now Online
Aaron Zelman of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership interviewed me last week on Attention Deficit Democracy. His thoughtful questions kept things rattling right along. He has now posted both the audio and a transcript of the interview at JPFO’s website. Aaron, who does excellent work alerting Americans to the importance of the Bill […]
The State of the Union Heave-Ho
Any time a Washington politician starts out by announcing that he is “humbled,” hip boots become mandatory attire for listeners. To hear Bush invoke the Rule of Law is like hearing Stalin talk of his devotion for peace. Bush talked of his friendship for the Iranian people. This will likely sharply boost the number of Iranians […]
On northern California Public Radio this morning (1 31)
Jeff Schechtman of KVON public radio (Napa Valley/northern Bay area) interviewed me this morning; the tape will broadcast around 10 a.m. Pacific time. Unfortunately, there is no “Listen Live” link.
Iowa Radio Show now Online
The audio tape of Jan Mickleson’s interview on WHO this morning is now online at http://www.whoradio.com/cc-common/podcast.html (It is a long download – the entire 3 hour show in one file – so only those with high-speed lines might want to consider it). I was flattered to hear how Jan much liked my new book compared […]