Author Archive | Jim

Wisconsin interview posted online

The hour long interview with Joy Cardin is also already on her archive page.  You can listen by clicking in at A listener to the program told me that it would also be re-broadcast over the web later this evening but I am not sure about that.    

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My Pot Ruling Bash

The Future of Freedom Foundation posted my article on the Supreme Court ruling on medical marijuana. The articles begins – Earlier this year [2005], the Supreme Court, acting again like a gang that smoked too much bad weed, ruled that the federal government has the right to prohibit people from growing marijuana for medicinal purposes. The […]

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The Republican Abramoff Solution

In response to the Jack Abramoff influence-buying scandal, Republican leaders are racing to impose new restrictions on the handouts that lobbyists can give to congressmen. Americans are being assured that the new rules will assure that their representatives are dutiful, high-minded, and devoted to nothing but the public good. This makes about as much sense […]

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Speaking in New York City on Saturday Night

I will be speaking at the Manhattan Libertarian Convention on Saturday evening, January 21.   This is part of the LP’s annual conference  – being held at the Ukrainian East Village Restaurant at 140 Second Ave.   Should be lots of fun.  I have never seen libertarians eat Ukrainian cuisine before.

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