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jpb quote jpeg by Natalie F D on Assange & Wikileaks

Set Julian Assange Free: My Matt Kibbe Interview

Here’s my 50 second hat tip to Julian Assange from my recent interview with Matt Kibbe and Free the People. From my Saving Assange & Free Speech article last month in the American Conservative: Almost all the media coverage of the Assange case is failing to credit him for revealing how blindfolding citizens defines down […]

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jpb 1984 public television oped

1984: My Call to End Public TV Subsidies

National Public Radio is catching hell for suspending Uri Berliner, a veteran NPR editor who recently condemned NPR’s political bias.  Forty years ago this month, I wrote an oped for the Washington Times calling for ending all federal subsidies for public television.  I stated: “Public TV could easily become self-reliant with little or no damage […]

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Screenshot 2024-04-15 at 19-24-58 James Bovard The Death of Liberty in America is Not Foreordained

Talking Last Rights on the Geopolitics & Empire Podcast

Hearty thanks to Hrvoje Morić  for inviting me on to his excellent podcast, Geopolitics and Empire. We had a rattling good chat, smacking around politicians, bureaucrats, and plenty other rascals.  Here is his summary of the show: James Bovard discusses his new book on the death of liberty in America. The U.S. government has become […]

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One Hundred Years of IRS Political Targeting

One Hundred Years of IRS Political Targeting by James Bovard, April 15, 2024 One hundred years ago, Senator James Couzens, a Michigan Republican, took to the Senate floor to denounce the Bureau of Internal Revenue for abusing its power and trampling innocent taxpayers. Couzens launched a sweeping Senate investigation of federal tax collectors. One year […]

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brian wilson podcast illustration

Comic Relief on Journalism, Bidenflation and Censorship on the Brian Wilson Podcast

“Unmoderated Content! What you expect from the Two and Only! The Unequivocal Brian Wilson and Inexplicable Jim Bovard whacking at journalism, censorship and Bidenflation!” Good to hear that Brian’s robust rebound from surgery continues. You can download or listen to the show by clicking here: Subscribe to the Brian Wilson Writes Substack by clicking […]

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Screenshot 2024-04-11 at 18-38-56 James Bovard Explains Biden's Role in Runaway Inflation - The Dom Giordano Program

Hammering Biden’s Inflation Bust on Dom Giordano Show

Dom Giordano welcomes in author and political commentator James Bovard, who penned a piece for the New York Post this week that lays forth how the Biden administration is responsible for the runaway inflation that we’re seeing. Bovard goes in depth into our country’s inflation, explaining why the potential for a federal rate reduction this […]

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