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Dilbert’s Blasphemy Against AmeriCorps

If people lose faith in bogus good deeds, then how will AmeriCorps be able to redeem America? That “RRRRR” above the lawn mower reminded me of summer jobs as a 14-year-old. Gasoline lawn mowers never worked unless you cussed the hell out of them. And even then, they weren’t very reliable.

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The Feds and the Great Wall Street Heist

Here’s a great cartoon from the new issue of the New Yorker: Fortune columnist Allan Sloan explains how the feds are creating vast windfalls for Wall Street firms with its artificial suppression of interest rates – the same policy that is brutally punishing anyone who put their savings in Certificates of Deposit or other interest-rate […]

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Dilbert Nails Washington Ethics

I suppose for this cartoon to perfectly capture contemporary Washington ethics, the senator would insist on a conjugal visit with the lobbyist’s wife. Or maybe that is only how Nevada senators operate. Scott Adams has again laid out political reality far more cleanly than the vast majority of the nation’s editorial pages. It is only […]

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Cartoonist Show – Greatest V for Vendetta Tattoo

The Small Press Expo this weekend in Bethesda, MD featured a heap of fine cartoonists and free spirits. I saw the best “V for Vendetta” tattoo ever. Full size versions of these photos are available at my Flickr page here. CARTOON IMITATES LIFE THIS BANNER REMINDS ME OF SOME PUBLISHERS I HAVE DEALT WITH… V […]

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