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YouTube version of my “Bush’s War on Civil Liberties” speech

Lew Rockwell  kindly posted today the links to my Future of Freedom Foundation conference speech on “Bush’s War on Civil Liberties.” The speech is a bit dated, since Bush recently renounced his authoritarianism and is showing a new devotion to the Constitution. Whoops – last line was a typo. According to my insider sources, Bush […]

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Beth Hoffman, R.I.P.

Beth Hoffman, the managing editor of The Freeman, passed away yesterday. She was a fine editor and a great lady.  I had the pleasure of working with her on many stories since the mid-1980s.   Beth was one of the unsung heroes of the freedom movement.  She worked at the Foundation for Economic Education from the mid-late 1970s.   She […]

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Snooping Near Camp David

I tromped out to the Catoctin Mountains next to Camp David last weekend.   Good scenery, considering the neighborhood. I was pleased to see that TSA was not operating a checkpoint for access to the mountain. There is a restaurant – actually, an “inn” – in nearby Thurmont, MD that proudly advertises that it is popular with […]

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Photos from the George Mason Spiel

I want to thank the George Mason University Economics Society and the Future of Freedom Foundation for inviting me to speak yesterday at GMU. The pizza was a hit and there was a lively back-and-forth with the audience on lots of subjects. I also want to thank Professor Thomas Rustici. He has assigned Lost Rights […]

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Do Presidents Have the Right to Kill?

The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online today my piece on the August Freedom Daily on whether presidents have the right to kill. Unfortunately, this was not an issue during the presidential campaign. Instead, the media obsessed on which candidate deserved nearly-boundless power. DO PRESIDENTS HAVE THE RIGHT TO KILL? Freedom Daily August 2008 Should […]

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I’m Speaking Thursday (11/13) at George Mason Univ.

The Future of Freedom Foundation and the George Mason University Econ Society invited me to speak on this Thursday evening (11/13) as part of their Economic Liberty Lecture /dinner Series. Admission and the dinner are free and the movie alone should be worth the trip. ECONOMIC LIBERTY LECTURE SERIES – Dinner, Lecture, and Movie DATE: […]

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Pure Politics? The New Jersey Definition of “Private and Personal”

People sometimes ask me why I am prejudiced towards New Jersey and/or politicians. Depending on how much coverage the story below receives, the New Jersey Tourist Bureau may need to buy some more advertisements in the Washington area. I will be curious to see whether this guy’s lawyers try to get charges dropped on the […]

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