“The civil disobedience of peaceful gun owners is one of the best hopes for the survival of American liberty.” Buy the book:

“The growth of government is like
the spread of a dense jungle,
and the average citizen can hack
through less of it every year.”
“The civil disobedience of peaceful gun owners is one of the best hopes for the survival of American liberty.” Buy the book:
zerohedge.com Jim Bovard: Biden Says Vote For Me Or Hitler Wins Authored by Jim Bovard, “Endless hysteria will keep you free,” said none of the Founding Fathers. But President Joe Biden missed that message before his absurdly overheated speech last Friday near Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Biden draped himself in Revolutionary War virtue as he demanded […]
Biden: Vote for Me or Hitler Wins by James Bovard, January 8, 2023 “Endless hysteria will keep you free,” said none of the Founding Fathers. But President Joe Biden missed that message before his absurdly overheated speech last Friday near Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Biden draped himself in Revolutionary War virtue as he demanded that Americans […]
New York Post, January 6, 2023 Biden wants to defend democracy by making sure you can’t vote for Trump by James Bovard Published Jan. 5, 2024, 7:26 p.m. ET “I understand power,” Biden boasted after finishing his speech to a small Democratic audience near Valley Forge, Pennsylvania on Friday. Biden invoked the courage of George […]
New York Post, January 5, 2024 Fauci’s returning to Congress — will he continue his COVID coverup? James Bovard “It’s been proven that when you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological bulls – – t, and they get vaccinated.” So declared COVID superstar Anthony Fauci in 2021, championing government […]
Pastor Butch Paugh and I talked about how the government was ravaging American freedom on his radio program. Show was spurred by the New York Post excerpt of the first chapter of Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty. Pastor Butch lives in West Virginia, a state that has a lot more freedom than any […]
Biden re-election advertisement hypes photo of gallows on January 6. But Biden perpetuated the barbed wire around the US Capitol & continues pillorying Americans’ constitutional rights. My photo from March 2021 on the cover… There are mysteries about how that gallows came to be placed near the Capitol building on the early morning of January […]