
My Tenth Depraved Presidential Election

Libertarian Institute My Tenth Depraved Presidential Election by James Bovard, October 9, 2024 Presidential season is a time for Americans to restore their faith in democracy. How can folks not be filled with gratitude for being permitted a perfunctory choice of who will seize their paychecks and tyrannize them in the following four years? Actually, […]

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The Barf That Busted the New World Order (1992)

            I wrote this piece just after the 1992 election. I submitted it to the Washington Times but, alas, it failed to pass their propriety test.  So here it is, better late than never….   Alternative headline: “The Heave That Changed History.” *** THE BARF THAT BUSTED THE NEW WORLD ORDER […]

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Bush Supporters Vindicate the President (2004)

Originally posted at Bush Supporters Vindicate the President by James Bovard, October 12, 2004 Palgrave MacMillan created a blog site for my new book, The Bush Betrayal. The blog site contains an email link for readers to send me their insightful observations. Many Bush supporters have taken the time to respond and kindly explained […]

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@copyright James Bovard 2007

The Mirage of Honest Government

The Mirage of Honest Government by James Bovard, October 7, 2024 For more than 70 years, America has been on the verge of honest government. In election after election, politicians have promised to finally take this nation to the moral high ground once and for all. In 1952, Dwight Eisenhower captured the presidency based in […]

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