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N.Y. Post: Democrats waging ‘holy war’ as Trump ends 50 years of affirmative-action tyranny

New York Post, February 2, 2025 Democrats waging ‘holy war’ as Trump ends 50 years of affirmative-action tyranny by James Bovard When President Donald Trump last week fired two Democratic commissioners of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Charlotte A. Burrows and Jocelyn Samuels, along with EEOC General Counsel Karla Gilbride, The New York Times predictably […]

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America’s Newest 0.000008% Dictator

American Institute for Economic Research, August 7, 2020 Deceit and Demagoguery in Montgomery County, Maryland James Bovard Across the nation, politicians and bureaucrats have invoked the COVID pandemic to seize dictatorial power to ban activities they disapprove. One of the most brazen examples recently occurred in super-lefty Montgomery County (MoCo), Maryland, where local health czar […]

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