Tag Archives | Attention Deficit Democracy

LISTEN LIVE Tuesday (1/15) 5 pm Eastern -BRIAN WILSON show

Brian Wilson, one of the zippiest talk show hosts around, invited me on his show for Tuesday (1/15) at 5 PM Eastsern. You can listen live here.  He is on WSPD in Toledo, 1370 AM. Not sure of the topics – but Ron Paul, Bush, and the “Filipino Monkey” might be on the hit parade. Should […]

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The War Issue in the Michigan Primary?

Unfortunately, I don’t live in Michigan [!] – but I’m curious on the big vote on Tuesda –   How are the presidential candidates playing the Iraq war issue in the Michigan primary? Are any candidates running radio or TV ads explicitly opposing or supporting the war? If so, are the ads on the war resonating? Does the […]

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Stomping Freedom: The Martial Law Act of 2006

Counterpunch posted online my Freedom Daily January article on how Congress passed  law to give presidents push-button martial law power.  Here’s the piece. Stomping Freedom Inside the Martial Law Act of 2006 By JAMES BOVARD Martial law is perhaps the ultimate stomping of freedom. And yet, on September 30, 2006, Congress passed a provision in […]

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Why did Antiwar Voters Support McCain in NH?

CNN crunched the exit poll data from yesterday’s New Hampshire primary and found that “among the 34 percent [of Republican primary voters] who said they disapproved of the war, McCain had a wide advantage over the GOP field — even over Texas Rep. Ron Paul, the sole advocate of a U.S. withdrawal in the Republican […]

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Will a Drug Warrior Be Hanged?

So, after the primary results last night, I was looking for something uplifting to put on the blog. Voila!  The possibility that an evil politician could get hanged! The Future of Freedom Foundation today posted online an article from their Freedom Daily on the Bush-blessed Thai slaughter of drug users and other people hated by the police.    The […]

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Thanks for the Great Comments in ’07!

I greatly appreciate the folks who added their thoughts and wit to this blog over the past 12 months.  We’ve had a hoot of a time, despite the political BS flooding this nation.  Laughter might not be the best medicine, but it is a good antidote to the servility that pervades the media and contemporary political life. And I’ve learned […]

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Before I was Certified as a ‘Bush Hater’…..

I’ve received bushels of emails over the past few years denouncing my pinko liberal tendencies.  Here’s a collection of some of the highlights after Bush Betrayal came out in 2004.    I was rummaging through some old material yesterday and came across this fervent review of Feeling Your Pain: The Explosion and Abuse of Government Power in the […]

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