Tag Archives | Biden


My Best Biden Bashes

My Best Biden Bashes by James Bovard | Jan 21, 2025 Joe Biden’s presidency ended yesterday. Would it be ungracious to whack him as he was exiting the White House? Nah—Biden has been vilifying libertarians and anyone who didn’t kowtow to his commands for too many years. Plus, he is working on a memoir, so […]

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For Inauguration Day, Open Federal Files and Give Truth a Chance

For Inauguration Day, Open Federal Files and Give Truth a Chance by James Bovard, January 20, 2025 Federal agencies classify trillions of pages of documents each year—enough secrets to fill 20 million filing cabinets. Washington politicians and federal agencies routinely blindfold American citizens on the most important and most reckless decisions the government takes. As […]

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Biden’s Sordid Legacy: Ravaged Rights and Liberties

BIDEN’S SORDID LEGACY: RAVAGED RIGHTS & LIBERTIES by James Bovard Joe Biden’s presidency ends on January 20, 2025. There will likely be a media stampede to hallow his reign and trumpet his virtues. But Biden perpetually trampled his January 20, 2021, oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” In his […]

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We Must End the Sham of Presidential Medals of Freedom

We must End the Sham of Presidential Medals of Freedom by Jim Bovard | January 8, 2025 Joe Biden is determined to ‘Leave No Washington Sham Behind’ before his presidency ends on January 20. On Saturday, Biden presented Presidential Medals of Freedom to a rogue’s gallery of shysters, donors, bootlickers, as well as some innocent […]

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Screenshot 2024-12-27 at 21-32-19 NY Post Reporter James Bovard The big Covid cover up that Trump will hopefully expose 12-27-24 – 77 WABC

WABC Radio New York on the Covid Coverup and the Million American Coffins

Discussing my New York Post piece today, we had a rowdy smackdown of federal agencies who covered up their role in the Covid lab leak and the pandemic that killed a million Americans. Fun with @RitaCosby&  @JCats2013 on @77WABCradio   You can listen to the MP3 of the interview here https://wabcradio.com/episode/ny-post-reporter-james-bovard-the-big-covid-cover-up-that-trump-will-hopefully-expose-12-27-24/

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