I appreciated the chance to thrash the Censorship Industrial Complex with one of my fav editors, Kelley Vlahos, and her very thoughtful, incisive husband Michael Vlahos. The art work will appeal to everyone who would love to see me muzzled.

The biggest election frauds usually
occur before the voting booths open.”
I appreciated the chance to thrash the Censorship Industrial Complex with one of my fav editors, Kelley Vlahos, and her very thoughtful, incisive husband Michael Vlahos. The art work will appeal to everyone who would love to see me muzzled.
October 25, 2024 Tyranny via “Freedom From Fear” James Bovard The Democratic Party is championing Kamala Harris as a born-again champion of freedom. Earlier this year, Democrats shifted their rhetorical focus from democracy to freedom, hoping the latter term would rev up more voters. “Freedom from fear” has become one of the top pledges of […]
History Rhymes: Freedom from Fear By James Bovard October 25, 2024 “Freedom from fear” was a prime justification for many of the most oppressive Covid pandemic policies. As Georgetown University Law professor Lawrence Gostin declared in late 2021, “COVID-19 vaccines are a remarkable scientific tool that enables society to live in greater freedom and […]
American Conservative, October 20, 2024 The Democrats’ Three-Decade War on Honest Voting When did preventing election fraud become a violation of the Voting Rights Act? by James Bovard According to President Joe Biden’s Justice Department, it is now a federal crime to prevent illegal ballots in presidential elections. Barely 30 days before the 2024 election, […]
Real Clear Policy, October 18, 2024 Will A Potemkin Election Follow Biden’s Potemkin Presidency? Blindfolds and systemic deceit are the death of self-government. by James Bovard President Biden has been derided for being a Potemkin president, a figurehead in a vast charade portraying him actually running the government. Biden was forced to withdraw from the […]
Libertarian Institute My Tenth Depraved Presidential Election by James Bovard, October 9, 2024 Presidential season is a time for Americans to restore their faith in democracy. How can folks not be filled with gratitude for being permitted a perfunctory choice of who will seize their paychecks and tyrannize them in the following four years? Actually, […]
The Mirage of Honest Government by James Bovard, October 7, 2024 For more than 70 years, America has been on the verge of honest government. In election after election, politicians have promised to finally take this nation to the moral high ground once and for all. In 1952, Dwight Eisenhower captured the presidency based in […]