George H.W. Bush’s Forgotten Debacles and Demagoguery by James Bovard After former President George H.W. Bush died late last year, he was widely hailed as a great leader and patriot. At the National Cathedral funeral service, biographer Jon Meachan declared that Bush was a “twentieth-century Founding Father.” The minister of Bush’s church in Houston compared […]
Tag Archives | Boondoggle

AmeriCorps Boondoggle King Harris Wofford’s Toxic Legacy
American Conservative, January 30, 2019 Remembering an AmeriCorps Boondoggle Boss Harris Wofford’s legacy: expensive, government-directed “service” for silly politically approved causes. By James Bovard Harris Wofford, a former U.S. senator and long-time Democratic political operative who ran AmeriCorps from 1995 to 2001, died last week at the age of 92. The New York Times hailed Wofford […]

Podcast: How the Government Ruined my Work Ethic
Here’s the story of how my summer on the payroll of the Virginia Highway Dept. ruined me for life – I’ve had PTSD regarding hard work ever since. At least I learned how not to shovel. The 6 minute spiel concludes with Labor Secretary Elizabeth Dole evicting me from her office after I asked too […]
40 Years of Pummeling the Postal Service
[the full text of many of the articles mentioned here are posted here] Mises Institute, July 27, 2018 40 Years of Pummeling the Postal Service by James Bovard Today is the 40th anniversary of the publication of my first attack on the Postal Service. “Time to Stamp Out the Postal Monopoly” was the lead article […]
What the ‘Dumpster Fire’ D.C. Metro Says About Federal Bureaucracy
The American Conservative What the ‘Dumpster Fire’ D.C. Metro Says About Federal Bureaucracy City council just voted to impose a 500 percent tax hike on Uber and Lyft. Really? By James Bovard • July 10, 2018 The Washington D.C. Metro.(Credit: Thomas Hawk/Flickr/Creative Commons The District of Columbia Council voted in June to impose a […]

Trump’s Afghanistan Speech: Hustling Used Carnage
Trump’s speech on Afghanistan this evening reminded me of this book cover from the early 1970s. This was probably some of the first political humor which I relished. National Lampoon was much more reliable on Nixon’s foreign policy than was the Washington Post. Here is my running commentary via Facebook: So Trump will speak […]

CP: Peanuts Prove Congress is Incorrigible
COUNTERPUNCH, March 29, 2017 Peanuts Prove Congress is Incorrigible by James Bovard The history of federal peanut policy illustrates why Congress could never competently manage a lemonade stand. The feds sabotage farmer productivity, screw consumers, and sow chaos around the world – all for campaign contributions. Federal spending for peanut subsidies has increased eightfold since […]