Tag Archives | Bush

How Bush Redefined American Freedom

Posted online today by the Future of Freedom Foundation – from the September issue of Freedom Daily… HOW GEORGE W. BUSH REDEFINED AMERICAN FREEDOM by James Bovard George W. Bush is gone from Washington but his legacy, like an abandoned toxic waste dump, lingers on. Like President Franklin Roosevelt before him, President Bush helped redefine […]

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The Media as Enablers of Government Lies

Posted online today… The Media as Enablers of Government Lies Freedom Daily August 2009 by James Bovard Why do politicians so easily get away with telling lies? In large part, because the news media are more interested in bonding with politicians than in exposing them. Americans are encouraged to believe that the media will serve […]

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Civility, 2007-Style: Hanging George Bush

Some people who are outraged by anti-Obama placards have forgotten that, only a few years ago, many people were condemning George Bush in terms as harsh or harsher. Here is a picture I took at an antiwar rally in Washington in January 2007. The sign – “What’s good for the goose….. gandar” – refers to […]

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The Post 9/11 Round-up of Innocents: Ashcroft’s High Crime

The Post–9/11 Roundup of Innocents by James Bovard Freedom Daily May & June, 2009 Many Americans have been lulled into a false sense of security by the end of the George W. Bush administration. In reality, the government continues to pose grave perils to people’s rights and liberties. And it could take only one shocking […]

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Martial Law and the War on Terrorism

The Future of Freedom Foundation is shotgunning out the following oped today…. *** Martial Law and the War on Terrorism Or “One White House Memo Away From Dictatorship” by James Bovard The New York Times reported last week that the Bush administration considered sending in the U.S. military to arrest the so-called Lackawanna Six in […]

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Celebrate Torture Day by Punishing Torturers

The Future of Freedom Foundation is shotgunning out this email today….. Celebrate Torture Day by Punishing Torturers by James Bovard, June 23, 2009 Since 1997, every June 26 has been formally recognized as the International Day of Support for Victims of Torture. Political leaders around the globe take the occasion to proclaim their opposition to […]

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The Campaign Reform Scam/Crime/Damn Outrage – Parts 1 and 2

The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online today the second part of my analysis of the McCain Feingold Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act hokum. (This is from the February issue of Freedom Daily). I am reposting it here, along with the first part of the article (posted on this blog yesterday). *** The Campaign Reform Scam […]

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