Tag Archives | Bush

The Campaign Reform Crime (or Scam?)

The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online today my article from the January issue of Freedom Daily on campaign reform scams. This is the first part of a two-part series on the McCain-Feingold act and related hokum. ******************************** The Campaign Reform Scam Part 1 Freedom Daily January 2009 by James Bovard In 2002, Congress passed […]

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Obama’s Double Standard on Atrocities & Evil

At a Holocaust Remembrance Day at the Capitol on Thursday, President Obama called for “fighting the silence that is evil’s greatest co-conspirator.” On the same day, Obama decided to oppose creation of a truth commission to vigorously investigate and expose U.S. torture crimes. This is another of those damn paradoxes of which Washington is full […]

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Obama-Style “Nation of Laws”

Obama proudly declared yesterday that ours is a “nation of laws” at the same time he announced that CIA torturers would not be prosecuted for their crimes. Life in Washington is one damn paradox after another. Kudos to the American Civil Liberties Union for their lawsuit that compelled the disclosure of the torture memos yesterday. […]

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Washington Post Shills for Terrorists

Not all terrorists are equally damndable, apparently. The Washington Post has an article today on the Iraqi government’s plan to shut down the camp of the Mujaheddin-e Khalq, or MEK.  This is a violent Marxist organization that was designated by the State Department as terrorists in 1997 because of their long record of killing civilians […]

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Part 2 of “How Abu Ghraib was Politically Defused”

The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online today the second part of my analysis of “How Abu Ghraib was Politically Defused.” It is amazing how little attention was paid to the heap of evidence of torture-as-official-policy until long after Bush snared a second term. Here is a link to a permanent web page with both […]

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My 2 Cents on the 2008 Elections

Reason magazine posted yesterday their responses from various libertarians they sent a set of questions on the 2008 election. Following is the response I sent them last week. (Their initial article did not include my responses, but they added them in after I sent a YO DUDE! email their way.) ** I will post some […]

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The Highway Robber State

The Night Watchman State has been replaced by Highway Robber States – governments in which no asset, no contract, no domain is safe from marauding bands of politicians. (from Freedom in Chains, 1999) If you voted in the congressional elections two years ago, were you ceding the right to the winners to give @ a […]

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