Tag Archives | Bush


Supreme Court Betrays Justice to Protect Torturers

Mises Institute, March 12, 2021 The Supreme Court Uses Twisted Logic to Protect US Agents Committing Torture by James Bovard The Supreme Court declared last week that Americans have no right to learn the grisly details of CIA torture because the CIA has never formally confessed its crimes. The verdict symbolizes how the rule of […]

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End “State Secrets” Shield for Government Atrocities

American Conservative, November 16, 2021 Supreme Court Should End ‘State Secrets’ Shield “State Secrets” is often invoked to give federal agencies a free pass from justice, without having to explain why. by  James Bovard Will federal law enforcement agencies ever be forced to disclose their abuses of American citizens? The Supreme Court could answer that […]

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9/11 and the Mirage of American Democracy

American Conservative, September 10, 2021 9/11 and the Mirage of American Democracy Continued secrecy around the role of Saudi Arabia in the events of two decades ago undermines representative government. James Bovard Twenty years after the 9/11 attacks, the federal government continues blindfolding the American people. Four presidents have either actively engaged in a cover-up […]

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20 Years of Epigrams on the War on Terror

Here is a round-up of some of my epigrams on the War on Terror. I tweaked a few lines for this repost and I may have missed or forgotten other lines that I should have included.  I welcome any suggestions to add (or delete) for this list. Investors Business Daily, October 2, 2001: Like a […]

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afghanistan map

Talking Afghan Debacles on Parallax Views Podcast MP3

Back on the Parallax Views podcast to talk foreign policy and D.C. depravity with J.G. Michael. Here is his summary of our hour-long conversation: The Afghanistan Blunder Boogie and D.C. Arrogance w/ Jim Bovard September 1, 2021 On this edition of Parallax Views, U.S. military forces have left Afghanistan after 20 years. But the D.C. […]

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Memorial Day: Remember Political Lies that Caused Soldiers to Die

Memorial Day: Remember Political Lies that Caused Soldiers to Die by James Bovard On Memorial Day, the media do their usual sacralizing of war. Instead, it should be a day for the ritualized scourging of politicians. During the last 70 years, their lies have resulted in the unnecessary deaths of almost 100,000 American soldiers and […]

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scott horton show 2-1

Pummeling the FBI and the Police State with Scott Horton MP3

Hell-raising talk show host Scott Horton and I gave a hearty flogging to illegal federal surveillance in this 26 minute interview spurred by this article in the American Conservative.  Below is the write-up on the show from Scott’s website: Jim Bovard discusses the way the American surveillance state has slowly dismantled the fourth amendment, especially […]

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