Tag Archives | CIA


N.Y. Post: Fauci’s FOIA Follies Show Faux Transparency in DC

New York Post, May 29, 2024 Fauci’s FOIA follies show ‘transparency’ in Washington has always been a fraud by James Bovard Republican congressional investigators are exposing brazen COVID cover-ups by the National Institutes for Health and top aides to Anthony Fauci. Bureaucrats have dodged complying with the Freedom of Information Act — a law meant […]

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Truth Has No Chance on Capitol Hill

Truth Has No Chance on Capitol Hill by James Bovard | Mar 25, 2024 Americans are encouraged to believe that the U.S. Congress is practically on automatic pilot to serve the public. Happily, most Americans are not so gullible and Congress receives much of the contempt it deserves in public opinion polls. But the media […]

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Daniel Ellsberg’s Courageous Work Remains Unfinished

Daniel Ellsberg’s Courageous Work Remains Unfinished by Jim Bovard | Jun 19, 2023 What if truth doesn’t out until a million corpses too late? Daniel Ellsberg, one of the most heroic truth-tellers of our era, passed away on Friday at the age of 92. He risked life in prison to leak the Pentagon Papers during […]

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N.Y. Post: Feds are Buying Your Life with Your Tax Dollars

LISTEN TO THIS ARTICLE: New York Post, June 20, 2023 The feds are buying mountains of your personal data and one day could use it against you by James Bovard Federal agencies are secretly accumulating mountains of data that could be used for “blackmail, stalking, harassment and public shaming” of American citizens. That allegation doesn’t […]

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