Tag Archives | Congress


New York Post: Biden Pitches Failed Economic Vision

New York Post, October 28, 2022 Biden pitches failed economic vision in Syracuse By James Bovard President Biden and Gov. Hochul strutted Thursday at a celebration for a future Micron semiconductor plant outside of Syracuse. The groundbreaking for the factory won’t happen until 2024, but Democrats needed something, anything, to pretend they care about the […]

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The Mirage of Washington Intelligence

Libertarian Institute, October 24, 2022 The Mirage of Washington Intelligence by Jim Bovard | “You can send a man to Congress but you can’t make him think,” quipped comedian Milton Berle in the 1950s. To update Berle for our times: You can spend $60 billion a year on intelligence agencies but you can’t make politicians […]

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slavery Libertarian Institute slave auction

Stop Trying to Rebrand Slavery

Libertarian Institute, September 27, 2022 Stop Trying to Rebrand Slavery by Jim Bovard | Sep 27, 2022 When did slavery become so chic? From The New York Times to the Aspen Institute to a bevy of failed generals and weaselly ex-diplomats, the caterwauling for mandatory national service is rising. After decades in which political betrayals […]

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Social Security’s Trillion Dollar Trouble (1988)

Viewpoint: Trillion-Dollar Trouble James Bovard | From the July 1988 issue of Reason magazine Share on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on RedditShare by emailPrint friendly versionCopy page URL The latest problem with the Social Security system—a surplus of nearly $40 billion—could be far more dangerous than previous Social Security cliffhangers. In the past, the system repeatedly […]

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Will Congress Stampede America Into Another War?

As members of Congress engage in a virtue-signaling stampede towards further U.S. military intervention in the Ukraine-Russia war, here’s my caustic comments: Politicians are most dangerous when they are parading as saviors of humanity. — James Bovard (@JimBovard) March 16, 2022 Congress is untrustworthy on the Russia-Ukraine war. Remember that most members of Congress backed […]

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Capitol Clash January 6 Terrorism Tweets

Emotionally gripping testimony is no substitute for the hard facts that the feds continue to withhold. Folks who violently attacked police or others on January 6 deserve to be vigorously prosecuted. But the “collective terrorism guilt” card for all protestors that day (mostly including people who never entered the Capitol) won’t play outside DC or […]

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Biden’s Rescue Act Targets Americans’ Freedoms

Biden’s Rescue Act Targets Americans’ Freedoms by James Bovard Since the 1800s, surly Americans have derided politicians for spending tax dollars “like drunken sailors.” Until recently, that was considered a grave character fault. But Joe Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act shows that inebriated spending is now the path to national salvation. It was a common […]

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