Tag Archives | Congress

30th Anniversary of the FBI’s Biggest ‘Bomb’

30th Anniversary of the FBI’s Biggest ‘Bomb’ by James Bovard Thirty years ago this past Sunday, the largest terrorist attack in American history up to that point occurred when a 1200-pound bomb exploded beneath the World Trade Center in New York City. It was sheer luck that the explosion did not topple the entire skyscraper […]

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Recapping D.C. Hokum on the Brian Wilson Podcast

From the Brian Wilson Something Completely Different Podcast: “Congressional decorum, rail regulations, FOIA requests and the Nord Stream Pipeline… all discussed in this week’s episode.”…. Listen on Apple Podcasts at this link – or click on https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-week-so-far-brian-wilson-and-james-bovard/id1638506178?i=1000599956729

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James Bovard photo (used as NY Post illustration)

Decorum Propels D.C. Deceit

Mises Institute, February 13, 2023 Decorum Propels D.C. Deceit by James Bovard During Tuesday’s State of the Union address, President Joe Biden uncorked a series of howlers that eventually spurred heckling from Republican members of Congress. Pundits raced to condemn the backlash to Biden “You saw real white trash on display,” declared James Carville on […]

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Biden’s Toxic January 6th Demonology

Libertarian Institute, January 12, 2023 Biden’s Toxic January 6th Demonology by Jim Bovard | Last Friday, President Biden held a White House ceremony commemorating the second anniversary of the January 6 Capitol riot. Biden showered a dozen Presidential Service Medals dozen people connected to the 2020 election or the January 6 events. Biden talked of […]

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My Most Damnable Epigrams of 2022

Libertarian Institute, January 5, 2023 Jim Bovard’s Best Digs of 2022 by Jim Bovard | This past year served up endless opportunities for hounding and pounding politicians and federal agencies. Here’s a round-up of the most liked or most hated lines from my 2022 articles. Hearty thanks to Hunter DeRensis and editors at other outlets […]

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