Tag Archives | Congress

Screenshot 2022-12-27 at 15-19-59 USA Today's James Bovard offers some Comic relief on the Omnibus Boondoggles - Chicago's Morning Answer with Dan Proft & Amy Jacobson

Year-End Thrashing of Congress on Chicago Radio MP3

I was on Chicago’s Morning Answer radio show this morn to thrash Congress and that durn Omnibus bill.  Guest host Ray Stevens and I had fun target-shooting at the various boondoggles in that bill.  “Contempt of Congress” is a civic duty, not a crime. Show was spurred by New York Post piece, Taxpayers feel the […]

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FBI COINTELPRO Is Back, And Worse Than Ever

Libertarian Institute, December 27, 2022 FBI COINTELPRO Is Back, And Worse Than Ever by Jim Bovard Elon Musk has opened the floodgates to expose the FBI’s latest war on Americans’ freedom of speech. The FBI massively intervened to pressure Twitter to suppress accounts and tweets from individuals the FBI disapproved of, including parody accounts. The […]

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Bashing the Omnibus Boondoggle Bonanza on Florida Radio

David Gornoski and I had fun today  thrashing the Omnibus Boondoggle Bonanza on his “Neighbor’s Choice” radio program on NewsTalk Florida WHBO Tampa Bay. The Senate passed the bill without reading it and the House is a down deal, pratfall guaranteed. We will be learning in the coming weeks about the specific outrages and boondoggles […]

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New York Post: Omnibus Leaves No Boondoggle Behind

New York Post, December 21, 2022 Taxpayers feel the pain of politicians’ wasteful and absurd $1.7 trillion spending plan By James Bovard Congress will soon vote on the 4,155-page omnibus bill that was crafted in a back room by half a dozen congressional leaders. No amendments will be permitted on the House or Senate floors and […]

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New York Post: Lame-duck robbery: Democrats rush to spend with just 15 legislative Looting Days left

New York Post, December 20, 2022 Lame-duck robbery: Democrats rush to spend with just 15 legislative Looting Days left By  James Bovard There are only 15 legislative Looting Days left until a new Congress takes office. Voters last month sent Washington a “cease-and-desist” order by giving Republicans control of the House of Representatives. But congressional […]

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New York Post: Smile for TSA’s Latest Boondoggle

New York Post, December 8, 2022 Smile! TSA has yet another boondoggle to make traveling more painful By James Bovard Why would any law-abiding American balk at permitting the feds to vacuum up his biometric data at the airport? The Transportation Security Administration is running a pilot program in which travelers stand in photo kiosks […]

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