Tag Archives | consent


Biden’s Blather and American Democracy Gone Awry

Biden’s Blather and American Democracy Gone Awry by James Bovard, July 23, 2024 Since late 2020, President Joe Biden has invoked “the will of the people” dozens of times to sanctify his power, including arbitrary decrees that were illegal or unconstitutional. Biden’s invocations did not prevent his re-election campaign from being terminated behind closed doors […]

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TSA Still Molesting at Warp Speed

Reposted 2/25 by Zero Hedge, with 50,000+ views & 300+ comments TSA Still Molesting at Warp Speed by Jim Bovard | Feb 23, 2023 I traveled to Hartford, Connecticut last week for a conference. It was the first time since the start of the pandemic that I had the pleasure of being pawed by TSA […]

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Needed: #MeToo for Political Consent

Mises Institute, November 1, 2018 We Need a #MeToo Movement for Political Consent by James Bovard The #MeToo movement is spurring millions of Americans to reconsider the meaning of consent in sexual relations. But there is another realm where far too much has been presumed because of often token gestures. Political consent is defined radically […]

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