Tag Archives | Constitution


New York Post: The Day Tony Fauci Lost His Memory

New York Post, November 26, 2022 ‘All-knowing’ Tony Fauci’s memory suddenly vanishes when he has to testify By James Bovard No American has been more revered by the media in the COVID era than Anthony Fauci, President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser and the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Since […]

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New York Post: Cynics Won on Election Day

New York Post, November 10, 2022 The biggest winners of the midterms: cynics who don’t expect better governance By James Bovard Cynics had another great Election Day on Tuesday. Expectations of a vast red wave became little more than scattered sightings of Democratic road kill. President Joe Biden took a “no red wave” victory lap […]

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Biden’s New War on Extremism (and Liberty)

Libertarian Institute, September 7, 2022 Biden’s New War on Extremism (and Liberty) by Jim Bovard President Joe Biden believes that hysterical denunciations of extremism will save the Democratic Party in the upcoming congressional midterms. Despite media portrayals of Biden as a good-natured moderate, the president has relied on sweeping castigations of opposition throughout his political […]

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FBI Sordid History Recapped on Jose Nino Podcast

Thanks to José Niño for having me on his podcast. We had a rowdy time recapping the sordid history of the FBI and so many crimes almost everybody has forgotten. The FBI has been subverting the Constitution and scoffing at federal law for more than a hundred years. You can listen to the 35 minute […]

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New York Post: What Kind of Dictator Rules by Decree? Joe Biden

New York Post, July 9, 2022 What kind of dictator rules by decree? Joe Biden By James Bovard   President Biden never promised to “make America constitutional again.” Though he took office preaching the need for “unity,” he increasingly rules like an elective dictator, relying on executive orders instead of working with Congress for legislative […]

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My Hillsdale Speech on Covid Vax Mandate Madness

Hillsdale College posted the video of my speech from their Constitution Day Celebration last month bashing Biden’s Covid Vaccination Mandates.  As I state in the speech, Covid vaccinations can be a prudent choice for people in high-risk categories.  But using the federal iron fist to inject almost everyone is a travesty of the Constitution and […]

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Ruby Ridge and the FBI License to Kill

Today is the 29th anniversary of FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi killing Vicki Weaver as she stood in the door of a cabin at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, holding her baby.  The FBI initially claimed that killing Mrs. Weaver was justified and then later covered up key details and claimed it was accidental.  FBI chief Louis Freeh […]

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