Tag Archives | corruption

JPB photo FOR Press TV article on Federal Reserve secret power Capture

Trouncing Federal Reserve Secrecy and All-Round Rascality

I did a brief monologue for Press TV yesterday morning (early enough that it was before I spoke English fluently) on Sen. Bernie Sanders’ proposal for the Federal Reserve to bail out the Greek government: The Federal Reserve “has been so out of control for a long time, but especially during the last 12 years. It’s […]

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USA Today: Govt. by Cromnibus – blind, deaf, & dumb

USA TODAY, December 12, 2014 Government by Cromnibus – blind, deaf and dumb: Column by James Bovard The Know-Nothing Party Rules Us All “You can lead a man to Congress but you can’t make him think,” quipped Milton Berle in 1950. Last night’s House of Representatives’ approval of the 1,603 page, $1 trillion Cromnibus bill […]

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Wash. Times: The ObamaCare Deception of “Stupid” Americans

Washington Times, November 13, 2014 The Obamacare deception of ‘stupid’ Americans By James Bovard How the liberal elites rely on lies to pass their paternalistic agenda Paternalism is a desperate gamble that lying politicians will honestly care for those who fall under their power. This axiom has been made stark with the controversy arising from […]

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My Wall St Jrn op-ed: IRS Political Targeting Since FDR

Wall Street Journal, May 15, 2013 A Brief History of IRS Political Targeting One survey found that 75% of IRS respondents felt entitled to deceive or lie to Congress. By JAMES BOVARD Many Republicans are enraged over revelations in recent days that the Internal Revenue Service targeted conservative nonprofit groups with a campaign of audits […]

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Dying to Corrupt Afghanistan

from the Future of Freedom Foundation’s Freedom Daily (posted online today) Dying to Corrupt Afghanistan by James Bovard American soldiers are dying so that Afghan politicians can continue looting U.S. tax dollars. Foreign aid has long been notorious for creating kleptocracies — governments of thieves. The $50+ billion foreign aid that the United States has […]

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